Northstar Integrated Health
Annual Wellness Visit in Lisle, IL
An annual checkup or “wellness visit” is covered by most insurance companies in each calendar year; a wellness visit is the first step to take on any health & wellness journey as it provides a baseline for your care. We begin with a detailed history & thorough examination. We will take your vitals to make sure your pulse & blood pressure is good; we listen to your lungs & count your respirations & oxygen saturation to make sure you are working as best as possible. Next up is blood work to check all the internal workings of your physiology; from this we learn: how your kidneys & liver are working, red & white blood cell counts, cholesterol numbers, sugar numbers & much more. We will schedule a time to come in for a review of the blood work, when we will go over in detail all the findings & make sure we come up with a plan for your entire care. We will review all your current medications & if you need any new prescriptions, we will educate you about those & make sure you get them. All questions will be answered & we will make a follow up appointment if needed. At Northstar Integrated Health & Physical Medicine Center your health is our priority!