Northstar Integrated Health
Headache and Migraine Treatment in Lisle, IL
There are many types of headaches; two of the most common are tension & migraine. We treat every headache with the cause in mind. Muscle spasming in the back of the head can cause pain-like symptoms in the back of the skull. Acupuncture can help alleviate symptoms, as can spinal manipulation. Similarly, the jaw can trigger headache symptoms. In many cases a simple intra-oral release of the internal & external pterygoid muscles can bring great relief. A hormonal imbalance can trigger migraines & tension headaches; once identified, we can begin rebalancing hormone levels to get levels back under control. Getting at the cause of what is driving the headache is the most important for us to help you find the most permanent relief.
Migraines are caused by the blood vessels in the cranium constricting & causing pain. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by strange visuals or sounds. There is usually more than one imbalance in the body that leads to this; causes stem from genetics, food reactions, scent reactions, hormone imbalances associated with the woman’s cycle or even changes in seasons, temperatures or barometric pressures. Many tests & therapies can help with the determining the causes & treating the symptoms including food allergy testing, environmental allergy testing, acupuncture, therapeutic stretches & exercises, internal jaw manipulations & traditional, pharmacological medicines that help relax blood vessels.