Northstar Integrated Health
Auto Accident Injuries in Lisle, IL
For almost 20 years, we have successfully treated personal injury cases, typically those resulting from auto accidents; we have years of experience & understanding about how insurance works with these types of situations. If you were not taken to the hospital first, we will perform a physical & orthopedic / neurological examination followed by some x-rays to check for fractures. Based on findings, we can then begin to utilize active physical therapies to start to heal the impacted areas & gently restore the functional range of motion. Gentle manipulations & mobilizations of the area can also be useful & effective in beginning to bring relief to the areas of complaint. Light medications to calm the areas can be prescribed in order for the pain, swelling & inflammation to calm & go down. Typically, after several months of care, the patient can be expected to have fully returned to their pre-accident condition. Our office has almost 20 years of experience with personal injury cases in terms of treatment, & equally importantly, with all the correspondence & paperwork that needs to be actively submitted. You are in good hands with Northstar Integrated Health & Physical Medicine Center!