How Can Physiotherapy Help You Recover Fast From a Sports Injury?

Our spine holds us up and plays a vital role in all our day to day movements. It is made up of many small bones and cartilage and without proper care it is easy to injure your back while engaging in sports. If you think about it, the lower back takes the weight of the upper body and endures mechanical stress from all our daily and sporting activities, so it is no surprise that this area of our back is often the most painful. Strengthening and stretching the body helps to prevent injury – and that is the number 1 of our 5 tips on how to prevent sports related back injuries.

Warming Up and Stretching

Having a proper warm up session which includes stretches is an excellent way to increase the blood circulation and prepare the body for athletic performance. It can really improve the flexibility of ligaments and muscles and this is helpful in preventing injuries. Following these tips can help you to get the most out of your stretches:

– Stretch gently with slow movements and stop when you feel mild tension
– Make sure that each part of your body gets equal amount of stretching time
– Each stretch should be held for 10 to 30 seconds – without any bouncing movements
– After your game, stretch again to relieve tight or sore muscles

Reducing Injury by Using Proper Protective Equipment

There is a risk of injury when playing any sport, but some sports pose more risk than others. Generally speaking, the more contact there is in a sport, the greater the risk of injury. Wearing protective equipment that is appropriate for the activity will reduce the risk of injury particularly to the spine. Supportive shoes that are well suited to your activity, are also a must. Here is a list of protective equipment that can help prevent injuries to various parts of the body:

– Helmet
– Shoulder pads and neck rolls
– Pads (shin, knee, chest, elbow, wrist)
– Face Guard
– Mouthpiece
– Eyewear
– Protective cup

Prevent Overuse

Repetition of the same movements puts athletes at risk of Repetitive Motion Disorders (RMDs) such as tendonitis, bursitis and tennis elbow (epicondylitis). These are disorders that occur when a movement is repeated and causes damage to the body. People love their sports and will want to keep on playing, so it is very important to avoid overusing any part of the body. Here are some tips to follow:

– Have rest periods in between games and practices

– Ensure that you use correct technique and form when engaging in your sport and take lessons if you need assistance with this

– Contact your physician if you have inflammation, feel muscle fatigue or pain, swelling, or nerve tissue compression

– Cross-training with different sports will reduce strain on the same muscle groups

Staying Hydrated

Excessive exercise in low humidity and high heat conditions when playing sports can result in heat injuries. These types of injuries which can be potentially serious can be easily avoided by following these common sense suggestions:

– Hydrate yourself well by drinking plenty of fluids before, throughout and after your sporting activity

– Wear light sport appropriate clothing that allows your sweat to evaporate

– Take breaks and allow for rest periods so your body can recuperate

– Avoid practicing and playing in periods of extreme humidity and heat.

Choose a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to your sporting activities, find ways to enhance your overall well-being by adopting health lifestyle choices including the following:– A low fat, well-balanced diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

– Avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking

– See your physician annually to detect issues before problems become serious

– Consult with your physician if you have any medical conditions before starting a new physical or sports regimen

– Make sure to get sufficient rest so your body can fully recover from sporting activities



The best way to “stay in the game” is to take preventative steps and reduce the risk of neck or back injuries. Spinal misalignment can affect players and increase risk of sports related injury. Working with a trained sports physiotherapist or chiropractor can help you with muscle flexibility, spinal alignment and strength building to prevent sports related back injuries.

North Star Medical Center offers quality care at one of the best sport clinics in Illinois focusing
on sports injuries, physical injuries and injury prevention. Our certified physiotherapists offer the highest quality patient experience by ensuring safe, effective, and pain-free solutions for athletes, active adults and children that play sports. We also offer Holistic Chiropractic care and Physical Therapy, Pain control, Nutritional Response Testing, Holistic Medicine and more. Our methods help to keep your body in optimal condition for your sporting activities.

We serve the Lisle, Naperville, Downer’s Grove, Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Bolingbrook and Woodbridge, IL areas and are committed to excellence striving to provide the best service. Please contact us at 1-630-795-1889 if you have any questions or are a new patient who would like to book your first appointment. If you are an existing patient, you can book you’re your appointment online on our website by clicking here:

We look forward to serving you!